ag娱乐官网的承诺 Biblical and Theological Foundations of Diversity

但丁Alighieri, 天堂Commedia: 6:124

韦斯特蒙特学院的校训——基督之灵 (Christ holding preeminence)—signals our commitment to a vision of the universal sovereignty of Jesus Christ. We are bound to this vision because of our anchoring in the Scriptures, which present Christ as Lord over all creation.1 Confession of Christ’s preeminence gives Westmont powerful reasons to welcome diversities of gender, 种族, class, and culture in its population and programs.2

Our dedication to diversity is grounded in the biblical promise that all the world will finally bow to the lordship of Christ3— since it is in Christ that “all things in heaven and on earth were created...团结在一起。”4 and so through Christ that God will “reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven.” 5 God’s plan for reconciliation is seen already in the Old Testament, which testifies to his calling of Abraham, so that through his seed—Christ in particular—”all the 家庭 of the earth shall be blessed.”6 These blessed are made up of not only the children of Israel, but persons from all nations adopted into the family of faith (for example, 喇合, 露丝, 乃缦, 尼尼微人, 税吏, 位, 撒玛利亚人, 埃塞俄比亚的太监, 商人吕底亚, 还有一些是残疾人).7

The New Testament highlights Christ’s command to love God foremost and our neighbors as ourselves.8 Jesus proclaimed “good news to the poor” and “liberty to the captives,”9 and in him all are one: Jews and Greeks, slaves and free, males and females.10 The book of Revelation records a vision of Christ presiding over heaven and earth while the saints—described as “a great multitude that no one could count, 来自每一个国家, from all 部落 and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb”—together sing glory to God.11

It is true that the unity of the created order is deeply disrupted by sin. 男人和女人, 家庭, 部落, 比赛, and nations have been set against one another, with differences among people often serving as a pretext for personal and systemic injustice.12 Yet God has responded to sin not by abandoning his world but by providing for its redemption13. 结果, God’s people are called to repent of sin, 在恩典中成长, 承认真理, 寻求正义, 怜悯, 练习宽恕, and go and make disciples of all nations14—all because of Christ’s atoning work, by which the power of sin has been broken.

Given the divine intention for creation, 然后, we see human diversity as a feature of life worth savoring, a feature approved and embraced by God. 王国的统一, attested by Christian fellowship, gladly acknowledges the variety of personal backgrounds, 历史, 以及爱所产生的环境, 感恩节, 并敬拜上帝. In the great harmony of creation’s praise to God through Christ and the Holy Spirit, each inhabitant of the new heavens and new earth will participate with a distinctive voice. 期待这种实现, Christian relationships across differences are to be joyful rather than oppressive, 爱而不是轻视. Individuals must not be stigmatized for being different.
Instead, diversity becomes a glorious property of the whole.

In summary, Westmont College is animated by a vision of God’s reign. To be faithful to that vision we dedicate ourselves to the investigation and embodiment of diversity. Such dedication expresses our Christian identity, and rightly stewards God’s gifts to us. It also provides a basis for excellence in scholarship and community life and anticipates the character of the world to come by signaling in our own time and place God’s promised reconciliation of creation to himself. Hence our living-out of diversity bears witness to the redeeming work of Christ, and marks us with greater integrity as we proclaim his salvation.

1《ag娱乐官网》1:15-20. All biblical citations and quotations come from the New Revised Standard Version
2Westmont is a Christian educational institution; accordingly, its published statement on Community Life, including Behavioral Expectations, and its published ag娱乐官网声明, including the Articles of Faith provide parameters as well as inspiration for the flourishing of diversity.
3腓立比书2:9 - 11
6Genesis 12:3; Galatians 3:16
7喇合:约书亚记6:15, 马太福音1:5, Hebrews 11:3; 露丝: 露丝 4:13- 17, 马太福音1:5; 乃缦: 2 Kings 5; 尼尼微人: Jonah 3:5-10; 税吏: Mark 2:14-17, Luke 19:1-10; 位: Matthew 8:1-10, Acts 10; 撒玛利亚人: John 4:1-42, Acts 8:5-25; Ethiopian eunuch: Acts 8:26-39; Lydia: Acts 16:14-15; some of the disabled: John 9, 徒3:1-10. Compare Deuteronomy 23:7-8, Galatians 3:14
9Luke 4:18; Isaiah 61:1
10加拉太书3:28. 启示录7:9
14Mark 1:15; John 17:17; John 8:33; Matthew 23:23; Luke 10:37; Matthew 18:21-35; Matthew 28:19-20
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