研究所和中心 伊顿创业与创新中心

企业家精神就是与上帝达成一致,认为世界不是它应该的样子, 然后做一些有创意的事情.

欢迎来到伊顿创业与创新中心, 一个以学生为中心的环境,我们探索ag娱乐官网的经常具有挑战性的交集, 学习与商业.  许多学院和大学开发了类似的项目,然后声称要培养未来的领导者,却不允许学生参与决策, 经营任何企业或创新的业务和责任.  不是在韦斯特蒙特.  This site was developed by our students; the content is produced by our students; the updates provided by our students; the internships filled by our students; new ideas thought of and explored by our students.  “以学生为中心”不仅仅是一个在网站上听起来不错的朗朗上口的短语: 这是我们伊顿创业与创新中心的基因.

我们有优秀的学生干部, 用最诚挚的关怀, 我在职业生涯中遇到的最优秀的经济学和商业校友. Alums willing to invest in their younger brother and sisters; alums who provide regular, one-on-one dialogue with our students; alums who partner with our students to provide micro-enterprise loans to needy people around the world; alums who provide robust, worthwhile internships to our students; alums who frequently travel back to campus to provide lectures on what’s really happening “out there”; alums who support our program with their time, 人才和财富,以确保我们现在的学生有一个更好的经验,比他们没有那么多年前.

我们也有幸拥有一个生机勃勃, 充满杰出领袖的圣巴巴拉ag娱乐官网.  Leaders who often speak on campus; leaders who hire our students; leaders who make themselves available; leaders who constantly step up when we need guidance.

据我所知,世界上没有比这里更适合获得经济学和商学本科学位的地方了.  在哪里,学生们被释放去发现他们的天赋, 然后允许并鼓励他们以有意义和永恒意义的方式发挥自己的才能.  所以我邀请你们做我们学生做的事:探索!  Explore this site; explore our program; explore ways you can become more involved in the incredible innovations that are being discovered, 创业精神在校园里很有感染力.

一如既往,我随时为您服务(尽管您可能会从我们的学生那里得到更好的答案)!).  我期待着见到你.


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