ag娱乐官网的承诺 ag娱乐官网生活宣言


When Jesus Christ summed up the way His followers were to treat each other, 他说, 你们要彼此相爱,像我爱你们一样,“要爱人如己。.“在大学校园里, this kind of love must take into consideration the relationship between learning 和 community.

Affirming the qualities of this relationship is vital. 作为学生, 工作人员, 教授们学会一起生活, we recognize the dual manifestations of love in justice 和 mercy. We attempt to work out what it means to live justly 和 mercifully in common agreements such as this one. We underst和 that life in a college will give priority 和 honor to the wise development of the mind.

考虑到这一点, our social 和 intellectual growth needs freedom for exploration complemented by a commitment to good will 和 graciousness. 个人纪律也是必须的. 例如, 文明是所有社会类型的基础, while academic honesty 和 respect for education are fundamental to an instructional environment.

学习依赖于以真理为中心的态度. It thrives in an atmosphere of discriminating openness to ideas, a condition that is characterized by a measure of modesty toward one's own views, 确认真相的欲望, 还有检验陌生事物的勇气. 当信念被表达时, one enters into the "great conversation" of collegiate life, a task best approached with a willingness to confront 和 be confronted with sound thinking.

ag娱乐官网建立在以他人为中心的实践之上. It flourishes in a place where love for God 和 neighbor is cultivated 和 nurtured. 当成员实践诚信时,它就会变得强大, 忏悔, 和宽恕, 试着在和谐的关系中生活, 为自己的言行负责, 和 submit to biblical instructions for communal life.

圣经支持这些态度和原则. It recognizes that all humans are created in the image of God 和 that God is the giver 和 taker of life, 从生命的开始到生命的结束. 它教会我们珍惜人类的存在, 颂扬人类的创造力, 和 promote relationships based on the ideals of trust, 同情, 和忍耐, 和 praises actions that manifest sacrificial giving 和 sincere faith. Scripture also forbids attitudes such as 骄傲 和 嫉妒, 并禁止醉酒等行为, 性乱交, 和不诚实. 符合这些标准的, the Westmont community has agreed to certain guidelines in the Student, 工作人员, 和教员手册.

愿意实行基督的教诲的, 韦斯特蒙鼓励真正的友谊, 在基督的全身里, 包括当地教堂, for when we love each other we imitate Christ's love for us. 当我们寻求跟随上帝的真理, certain choices make for greater peace: a respect for others as they make decisions contrary to ours, a readiness to listen carefully to those who represent situations or cultures unfamiliar to us, 和 a concern for how our preferences affect the lives of those around us.

We are committed to inquiry as well as pronouncement, 严谨的学习,以及亲情般的友谊, 具有挑战性的教学和反思性的学习. 有时这些紧张关系会导致冲突. 团结一致, we must set ourselves to the practical task of discerning daily how to love well, how to inflesh the biblical call to justice 和 mercy. 当我们这样做的时候, our life together at Westmont will begin to resemble the community God has envisioned for us.


韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网选择, 自由和自愿, to impose upon itself rules for behavior which serve both the long range interests of the institution 和 the immediate good of its individual members. While we do not view these expectations as an index to maturity in Christ, we do regard violations as a serious breach of integrity within the community because each member has voluntarily chosen to associate with it 和 to accept its st和ards.

与圣经相符, the college establishes the following specific expectations for the trustees, 政府, 教师, 工作人员, 以及韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网的学生1:

  • The college does not condone practices that Scripture forbids. Such activities include but are not limited to occult practices, 醉酒, 盗窃, 不敬的言语, 不诚实和婚外性关系. Westmont further recognizes that Scripture condemns "sins of the spirit" such as covetousness, 嫉妒, 骄傲, 和欲望. By their very nature, these sins are more difficult to discern. Because they lie at the heart of the relationship between the individual 和 God they are of central concern to the Westmont community.
  • The college upholds integrity as a core value of the community. Members are expected to take responsibility for their own violations of all behavioral guidelines 和 demonstrate commitment to the value of integrity in word 和 deed.
  • The college is committed to providing a learning 和 work environment free of harassment.
  • The college expects our members who choose to marry to abide by the commitment to lifelong heterosexual marriage, 和, 无论是单身还是已婚, 努力维持健康的家庭关系.
  • 这所学院维护当地ag娱乐官网的法律, 这个国家, 和 the state of California that prohibit the possession or use of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, against purchasing or consuming alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21, 醉酒, 还有酒后驾车.
  • The college recognizes that the use of tobacco products 和 alcoholic beverages presents a danger to personal health. It condemns their abuse, 和 raises questions about the use of tobacco 和 alcohol. Under no circumstances shall any member of the community use or possess these products on campus or when attending a college-related student activity.

Westmont will establish other rules 和 regulations necessary for orderly community life 和 will list them in appropriate h和books. You will find information which further explains the specifics of the 行为的期望 above in the section of the Student H和book on Westmont policies.

1Westmont requires all of its guests during their time on campus to act in ways that are consistent with Westmont's mission-based behavioral expectations for community life.


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