Why Micah 6:8? Intercultural and Global Engagement

Why Did We Choose Micah 6:8?

“Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.” This is why Westmont
reconciliation and diversity. Our objective? Ongoing growth as we seek
to become a more reconciling community.

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Who is Micah?

弥迦是一位先知,来自耶路撒冷西南的一个农业小镇. His ministry overlaps that of Isaiah. But whereas Isaiah spoke primarily to the urban elite, Micah spoke to the "regular folk" in the "suburbs.弥迦的信息号召人们听从上帝的话. Repeatedly Micah says “Listen, you leaders,” “Listen to what the Lord says,” and “Listen, you peoples,” stressing that now is the time to pay attention. 弥迦的大部分预言都是针对犹大和以色列的首都的审判, Jerusalem, and Samaria respectively. 他们的领袖实行和容忍错误的教义,这导致了对上帝品格的错误理解, and, as a result, injustice towards the lowly, mistreatment of women and children, unjust business practices, and exploitation of the poor, many of whom were rural dwellers, like Micah. 富人过着奢侈的生活,而被边缘化的人却在为当权者的奢侈买单. 虽然弥迦的预言宣告了审判,但它也为和平之君的到来带来了希望. Through Micah’s prophecy, 神也应许未来的国度,在那里列国安居乐业,神的百姓完全得复兴, reconciled with each other and with God. 弥迦提到伯利恒(弥迦书5:2)是旧约中耶稣最重要的预言之一.

Micah Asks God a Question

Micah genuinely wants to know what God requires. 在神的审判和与之相关的哀号与新恢复和好的国度之间,人类能提供什么? To make right with you God, should I bring offerings? Sacrifices? My first born? (弥迦书6:7)神回答说:“不,不是你的恩赐,你的言语,甚至你最宝贵的财产. 我要你行公义,爱怜悯,谦卑地与我同行.”

For Us

神继续告诉他的子民,面对不公正时我们该怎么做, exploitation, racism and mistreatment of certain populations. 神对弥迦的回应,就是当我们问神需要我们做什么的时候,神对我们的回应.

Do justice. Justice is defined as the quality of being just. It is righteousness, equitableness, and moral rightness. 公正是一种行动的号召——不要在别人抱怨时保持沉默或自满, especially the most vulnerable, are abused, mistreated, in need, scorned or exploited. Mishpat是希伯来语,意思是在法庭上做出公正的裁决. In other words, holding our community to God's standard. 另一个有时被翻译为“公正”的希伯来词是tsedaqah, which expresses the idea of honesty, justness, and community loyalty. 符合圣经的义人就是符合圣经的公正,反之亦然. These two ideas cannot be separated.

As it relates to our commitment to justice, reconciliation, and diversity, this means examining how we treat the people of God. Those who have been excluded, those whose voices have not been heard, those who have been left behind or left out. 我们的正义行为源于我们内心的转变,使我们变得更像基督. 我们在亲自实践耶稣的道路时,再次呼召自己公义, 我们作为一个ag娱乐官网如何共同生活,我们如何通过教育来改变世界.

爱怜悯就是向彼此显示“hesed”,即约的信实. 弥迦书7章18节说,神乐意显出对约的信实. It’s who He is. 只有因为他向我们展示了极大的怜悯,我们才能对别人做同样的事情. As Saint Thomas Aquinas said, “Justice and mercy are so united that the one ought to be mingled with the other; justice without mercy is cruelty; mercy without justice is profusion.” We should practice justice mercifully. We should practice mercy justly. When we see need, pain, loss, discrimination, bias, fear, or wrongdoing we should respond with mercy, as God has shown us mercy.

Walk humbly. Jesus is the ultimate example of humility. 神丰盛的怜悯和恩典在十字架上以基督的谦卑与公义相遇, who gave His very life for our salvation. 我们有耶稣的榜样,也有谦卑与神同行的呼召和命令. 然而,像上帝那样行公义和慈爱不是我们自己的能力范围. 我们谦卑地求主帮助我们,给我们力量,带领我们,装备我们. It will never be easy, 尤其是在和解的道路上,但这是上帝召唤我们走的路.

Therefore, Micah 6:8 is a call to listen to God, to do justice from hearts of mercy and compassion, marked by the humility of Christ. 这些愿望正好符合韦斯特蒙特大学的ag娱乐官网生活声明,其中特别指出“作为学生, 教职员工和教授学会共同生活,我们认识到正义和仁慈中爱的双重表现.“ag娱乐官网生活宣言呼吁我们以真理为中心的态度和以他人为中心的行为. It affirms graciousness, civility, respect, 顺服圣经的教导以及其他特质——所有这些都是在神面前谦卑行事所塑造的生命的表现.

韦斯特蒙特弥迦书6:8网站上的这些页面描述了我们围绕正义的工作, reconciliation, and diversity. 每个部分都包含对我们作为一个机构来说很重要的信息. Yet our work is unfinished. 我们将继续努力成为一个更加和谐的ag娱乐官网, to better understand how we could do better, to listen to each other and the Lord, and to be responsive in our thoughts, words, and actions. 愿他赐给我们力量,使我们行公义,爱怜悯,并谦卑地与他同行.






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Bible Verses About Justice

“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.” Isaiah 1:17

“遵守公平、随时行公义的人有福了!” Psalm 106:3

“Thus says the Lord of hosts, Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another,” Zechariah 7:9

“行公义公平,比献祭更蒙耶和华悦纳.” Proverbs 21:3

他是磐石,他的作为完全,他所行的尽都公平. 他是信实无罪孽的神,公义正直.” Deuteronomy 32:4

Bible Verses About Mercy

“Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:36

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” Matthew 5:7

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6

因为不怜悯人的,审判也不怜悯. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” James 2:13

Bible Verses About Humility

“But he gives more grace. 所以经上说、神阻挡骄傲的人、赐恩给谦卑的人.” James 4:6

敬畏耶和华是智慧的训诲,尊荣以前必有谦卑.” Proverbs 15:33

“不要因为竞争或自负而做事,只要谦卑地看别人比自己重要. 你们各人不要单顾自己的事,也要顾别人的事.” Philippians 2:3-4

你们要在耶和华面前自卑、他就使你们升高.” James 4:10

那称为我名下的百姓,若自卑, 祷告寻求我的面,回头离开他们的恶行, 我就从天上垂听,赦免他们的罪,医治他们的地.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

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