优秀的毕业生 政治科学




在学术上, 23岁的凯勒·利本古德 没有什么是例外的吗. He pairs a keen analytical mind with a deep curiosity to explore thorny questions. Caleb is an astute thinker who listens well and considers carefully before speaking. 但当他说话或写作时,他的同学们都会倾听. 在今天这个极度两极化的世界里, Caleb is one of those rare people who can stand on principle while welcoming others into the conversation.




汉娜·格里尔森,22岁 一个真正优秀的学生是一个更好的人吗. 而她拥有相当多的智慧, 她非常谦虚,总是愿意向别人学习. Hannah serves our community in various ways, not least of which is as WCSA President. 她还具有全球视野, 担任世界宣明会“坚强女性倡导主席”, 在美国国际开发署实习, 教难民英语.




奥利维亚·赖克沃尔德,21岁 体现了威斯蒙特学生的最佳品质. She is constant in her faith, driven in her scholarship, and committed to service and 领袖ship. Olivia’s contemplative nature and her intense work ethic of cultivating her gifts leads her to insights that are compelling to her classmates and professors alike. 在学术上, she has been described as engaged, diligent, analytical, and attentive. 奥利维亚不怕问尖锐的问题, 探索不熟悉的话题, 或者仔细地把她对ag娱乐官网和政治的思考结合起来. Olivia never dominates the classroom conversation, but when she speaks, people listen. 就我个人而言, 奥利维亚欢迎你, 温暖的, 快乐的, 友好的, 而且是天生的, 尽管谦逊的, 领袖. 我们会想念她的!


 Chena Underhill和   玛迪Weicht

 Chena Underhill, 20岁 体现了对学习的愉快热爱, 对她所追求的每一个话题都充满热情. 她的兴趣广泛! 作为一个真正的“自由艺术家”,” Chena is fully at 首页 in a range of subjects—not just in her double majors in political science and data analytics—but across the curriculum and especially in her developing interest in the field of education. But her eagerness is far from uncritical: she brings incisive questions to bear—pushing back on conventional 智慧 in her characteristically happy curiosity. 课堂外, Chena brings her joyful intensity to bear as a pole vaulter on the track and field team, 她担任政治学教学和研究助理, 在她的教堂做志愿者. 中国是一个学者,一个运动员,一个仆人,一个领导者,我们会想念她.

 静水流深,麦迪也是如此. 麦迪·威特,20岁 demonstrates serious intellectual firepower, but is never combative or condescending. 麦迪有一种罕见的好奇心, 深思熟虑的, 认知灵活性, while remaining rooted in her convictions and without blowing in the wind of every new idea that comes along. She possesses a knack for asking insightful questions that facilitate deep discussions and bear fruit in her excellent writing. 麦迪展现了超越她年龄的优雅和智慧. 麦迪说话的时候,人们都在听. Both in and beyond the classroom, her peers have recognized her as a natural 领袖. 麦迪的智力, 善良, 智慧, and generosity of spirit make us proud to call her a Westmont student and political science major.



哈娜·伊斯坎达,19岁, 在蒙特西托圣约会领导一个青年小组, 与仁人家园一起建造家园,并在埃及帮助处境危险的儿童, 充满了对生活的热情, 学习与人, 据她的教授说. 她精力充沛,热情高涨, whether it be in the classroom—where she is known for her candor and humor in addition to her intellectual acumen—or in one of her many activities where she joyfully serves her communities,杰西·科文顿说, 政治科学系主任.

依斯干达, 谁想从事法律工作, 她说她一直对人民和正义充满热情.

“The best part of my three years at Westmont was how teachers managed to connect the material of each lecture back to Jesus Christ in ways that I could have never expected,她说。. “My faith has grown in incredible ways just by being surrounded by Christ-centered teachers, 工作人员和朋友. Despite being challenged in many of my classes, I can’t think of any class I did not enjoy.”

她说,住得离海滩这么近也是一种福气. “Westmont really felt like 首页 in every possible way and that is probably what I love and will miss the most,她说。.



休·格兰特-查普曼18岁, who has earned a Fulbright Scholarship to be a English teaching assistantship in Taiwan, 是采访Gen的三个学生之一. 迈克尔·海登在韦斯特蒙特总统早餐后的毕业典礼上. He used complex econometric analysis to investigate the relationship between immigration and economic growth in developing countries, co-authored a paper on the intersection of athletics and American courts with Professor Tom Knecht, 并担任该系教研助理. “I’m excited to immerse myself in a different culture and community,” he says. “我将要居住的这个岛很小,关系也很紧密, ag娱乐官网的联系显然非常紧密. I look forward to improving my Mandarin-speaking abilities and getting to use them on an everyday basis.”



在韦斯特蒙特大学期间, 兼总经理亚历山德拉Nieuwsma '17 是因她出色的学术工作而闻名,还是因她认真阅读课文而闻名, 勤奋的准备, 课堂参与, 重点写作. 拥抱文科, 亚历山德拉在韦斯特蒙特管弦乐团演奏竖琴, volunteered with Sanare Senior ministry to bring music to assisted living centers, 还为《ag娱乐官网》学生报写专栏. Alexandra’s accomplishments are all the more impressive in light of her completing her Westmont education in only two and a half years. Alexandra is currently working as a reSearch assistant for Distinguished George P. Schulz Scholar and Senior Fellow Judge Abraham Sofaer at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.



贾勒特·卡特林(2016年) 教授们形容他的工作“杰出”,”“绝对优秀,并反映出“敏锐的分析头脑”.除了他出色的学习成绩, 贾勒特的参与反映了他强烈的求知欲, 对政治的热情, 以及对人民的深切关怀. 一位教授形容贾勒特“用他的头脑和他的心”来思考.” Jarrett co-founded Westmont’s “Convergence Club”—promoting engagement and civil discourse on challenging political issues. Jarrett和Dr. Knecht to reSearch the rather dry subject of California water politics and came up with an ingenious solution to the crisis: more rain. Jarrett completed his coursework early in order to serve on the 领袖ship team for Westmont in Istanbul in the Spring of 2016.


一个有分析天赋的学者, 汉娜16年初 异常明亮, 集中, 和勤奋的, 从第一年开始就协助系里的研究工作. 她曾与Dr. Knecht on a project that examined the electoral success of amateur candidates for the U.S. 众议院, taking the initiative on the reSearch and finding new and innovative ways to gather data on amateur candidates. 汉娜的写作技巧和敏锐的才智令人印象深刻, 她的成熟和强大的人际交往能力也是如此. 汉娜主持了一项ag娱乐官网美国国际开发署vs. U.S. 援助:美国援助的有效性有限.S. 以巴“新法律空间”的法律援助,一项与该学科密切相关的应用政策研究.



索菲娅Meulenberg, 15岁 是否全身心投入、纪律严明、深思熟虑、才华横溢. 一个有着惊人智慧的门罗学者, 索菲亚从她来到韦斯特蒙特的那天起就开始做研究生水平的工作. She is gifted with a keen and inquiring analytic mind, which she pairs with a very strong work ethic. 她的写作, 准备, 课堂参与, and examinations are all unequivocally outstanding and set the standard to which other students aspire. Sophia worked for the department as a phenomenally talented teaching and reSearch assistant; Professor Knecht was so impressed with Sophia’s abilities that he asked her to co-author a professional paper with him. Sophia is a delightful individual with compassion for others and one of the very best students we have ever taught. 我们期待着她在国际外交领域的光明前途. 

索菲亚是被选为皮克林外交事务研究员的30人之一. She attended Georgetown University in the Fall of 2018 to complete her master’s degree in foreign service, 并将在美国大学完成国内实习.S. 位于华盛顿特区的国务院.C.,并在美国一所大学进行海外实习.S. 毕业后在国务院工作. 2016年至2017年,她在塞内加尔和平队任职.